Allergy symptoms? A.Vogel Allergy Relief is an homeopathic medicine for the treatment of sneezing, itchy nose, burning eyes. After using A.Vogel Allergy Relief , 88.5% of patients reported an improvement in their allergy symptoms.
- Sneezing
- Itchy nose
- Scratching throat
- Burning eyes and lacrimation.
- Sugar and gluten-free
Natural Allergy Relief (Pollinosan®) can be taken a month before the hay fever season just as it can be taken a month before going on a holiday, where you know you will be facing known allergens and a possible change of diet.
Each mL contains:
Medicinal ingredients:
Ammi visnaga (Khella, ripe fruit) 1X,
Aralia racemosa (American Spikenard, fresh root and rhizome) 2X,
Cardiospermum halicacabum (fresh, aerial parts of the flowering plant) 2X,
Luffa operculata (whole fruit) 6X, Okoubaka (dried bark of the branches) 2X,
Larrea mexicana (Gobernadora, leaf and young branch) 2X,
Galphimia glauca (dried leaf and inflorescence) 3X.
Non-medicinal ingredients:
Alcohol (ethanol), water.
1 mL = 39 drops. Dropper included.